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Minutes of our PVHG September 2019 meeting – Packington Village History Group PVHG

Minutes of our PVHG September 2019 meeting

At Venue 35 – the Memorial Hall Meeting Room – on Tuesday 24th September 2019 at 7:30 pm

Present: Chairman Robin Boucher and 9 members

Apologies: Robert Dilworth, David Oakley

Minutes of the previous (May) meeting were approved and signed.

The High Street walk took place on Tuesday 25th June, despite the wet weather, and was well received by all attending. 

Robin would be happy to repeat the High Street walk, and also to host a Mill Street walk, as Peter’s notes are still available. Dates can be decided at the next AGM. 

Robin reported that Wendy Freer of Pudding Bag Productions had been in touch. The Rev Thomas Pestell film had been produced, and had been shown at the Lyric. Wendy agreed that PVHG can make a small display at the film showing in Packington on 25th October 2019.  Sue has once again agreed to provide display boards.

The Photographic Record 2019 of village buildings is now on the website, at https://pvhg.uk/packington-2019/ Still missing is coverage of “Stonehouse Farm” on Babelake Street.  Post-meeting note: Coverage of Little Lane will shortly be available. Two more areas need coverage: recent building, at Drum and Monkey Lane, and The Grove. 

Robin has replied to the query regarding the blind Packington Stallion.

The PVHG display at Open Gardens was a success. A thank-you letter had been received from Geoff Gasson.   

During our summer break, Nev and Robin attended the day course at Leicester University concerning sound archiving of oral histories, they agreed it had been interesting despite being very technical to begin with.  Several history groups attended.  Robin emphasised the fact that tapes can deteriorate over time and digitalising would be the answer.  The question of obtaining further oral histories was discussed and who in the village could be interviewed.  Members agreed the necessary equipment needed to  be ready before asking people for an interview.

Robin reported he had received some photographs from Richard North, a past resident of Packington, and these photos are now in the archives.

Gems from the Gilwiskaw” by Laura Cooper has at last been produced.  One hundred copies have been printed by Context at a cost of £145, this has been paid.  Copies are now for sale.

Members continued to thin archive material. The meeting ended at 9.30pm.

The next meeting is Tuesday, 29th October at 7.30pm.

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