May Meeting – Tuesday 28th May 2019

Just a reminder that the group will meet again on Tuesday 28th May 2019 at 7.30 pm in Venue 35, the Memorial Hall Meeting Room.

  • David Oakley has indicated that he will have some information about Packington’s soldier recruits in the early nineteenth century.
  • We will check progress on the Packington 2019 photo project, with some records already displayed here on the website
  • We can confirm preparations for the High St. Walk on 25th June.
  • If there is time left we will do some more work on the archive.

I will look forward to seeing you all again at the meeting.

Robin Boucher, Chair, PVHG

Minutes of our PVHG April 2019 Meeting

At Venue 35 – the Memorial Hall Meeting Room – on Tuesday 30th April 2019 at 7:30 pm

Present: Chairman Robin Boucher and 9 members:

  • Yvonne Eaton, Secretary & Treasurer
  • Adrian Mongredien
  • David Fill
  • David Oakley
  • Di Holdsworth
  • Marion Wright
  • Nev Bray
  • Pam Worthington
  • Robert Dilworth

Apologies received from Sue Brown.

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed.

Robin welcomed our 2 new members: Pam Worthington and  Marion Wright.

Continue reading “Minutes of our PVHG April 2019 Meeting”

The Packington Blind Horse 1755-1770

Packington Post magazine Issue 68 September 2014

The following paragraphs appeared in Packington Post Issues 67 and 68, describing a famous blind horse from our village that is believed to have effectively founded the Shire Horse breed. At the end of our extract below, you can download FREE the source text from the printed book of 1899.

Foundation Stallion for the Shire Breed

The term “Shire horse” was first used in the mid-17th century, and incomplete records begin to appear near the end of the 18th century.

The “Packington Blind Horse”, from Leicestershire, is one of the best- known horses of the era, with direct descendants being recorded from 1755 to 1832.

Continue reading “The Packington Blind Horse 1755-1770”