Minutes of our PVHG March 2019 Meeting

At Venue 35 – the Memorial Hall Meeting Room – on Tuesday 26th March 2019 at 7:30 pm

Present: Chairman Robin Boucher, 8 members, one new member

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed.
  • Robin welcomed David Oakley to the group as a new member.
  • Robin reported the latest regarding the Thomas Pestell film production. Wendy Freer has applied for a grant, the result of which should be known within approximately 4 weeks.
  • The June 25th PVHG High Street guided walk is on track.
  • We have not heard from Paula Dring confirming her permission to photograph the graves in her garden. Yvonne will call and ask if she is agreeable.
  • The Memorial Hall committee have invited ALL village associations and groups to an Open Evening on Friday 26th April 2019. Members agreed PVHG should attend. Sue will provide display stands. This will be an opportunity to sell ourselves, and hopefully encourage more membership. Members are to meet at 10am on Monday, 15th April to plan and prepare for the evening.

The main item of the evening was how best to record the continual changes in the village. A drone could take aerial photographs periodically, but might be too expensive. Sue suggested the National Monuments Record at Swindon may already have aerial photos of Packington, and will investigate. The Historic England Archive apparently has 4 million aerial photographs, of which 95,000 are available online at Britain From Above

Adrian proposed that a photo be taken of every house for sale in the village as new occupants invariably change the property. Members agreed photographs of each street be taken and recorded; David agreed to co-ordinate the placing of photos on the website and the following members agreed to be responsible for recording their street:-

  • David Oakley – Hall Lane
  • David Fill – Brook Close and Babelake
  • Sue / Di – Mill Street
  • Robin – Normanton Road
  • Yvonne – Ashby Road
  • Adrian – Spring Lane
  • Nev – Homecroft

The meeting closed at 9.10pm

The next meeting is Tuesday, 30th April at 7.30pm