Minutes of our PVHG April 2019 Meeting

At Venue 35 – the Memorial Hall Meeting Room – on Tuesday 30th April 2019 at 7:30 pm

Present: Chairman Robin Boucher and 9 members:

  • Yvonne Eaton, Secretary & Treasurer
  • Adrian Mongredien
  • David Fill
  • David Oakley
  • Di Holdsworth
  • Marion Wright
  • Nev Bray
  • Pam Worthington
  • Robert Dilworth

Apologies received from Sue Brown.

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed.

Robin welcomed our 2 new members: Pam Worthington and  Marion Wright.

  • The Thomas Pestell film is on track, the funding should be granted anytime now and filming will begin.  
  • The High Street walk is on track and Robin is happy to have a rehearsal on Tuesday 4th June, meeting on Bridge Street opposite the turning to High Street, at 7pm. 
  • If the weather is inclement for the actual walk on the 25th June, the meeting room display of archive material will still be available for everyone to see, and the walk would be held on Tuesday 2nd July.
  • The recent Open Evening on Friday 26th April was a success, and Robin thanked members for their contributions.
  • Robin asked members if they  had information on the Packington Blind Horse as the question had been asked of him.  No one had any details, although members had heard the stallion was the father of the Shire horse.  David Fill thought he had read an article in the Packington Post a few years back and Robert agreed to search for the article.   (Post-meeting note: the details are now in a Post here on this pvhg.uk website)
  • David Oakley has received several street photographs and these were shown following which there was discussion as to whether all the photographs, when taken, should be put on the PVHG website, the final decision to be made when all the street photographs have been taken at the end of June. 
  • In the meantime Adrian proposed putting the Hall Farm re-development photographs, of which he has many, on the website.  Members agreed.
  • David Oakley was anxious that all the streets be photographed and members agreed to cover the following streets:- 
  • Ashby Road, Yvonne; 
  • Babelake Street, Bridge Street and Brook Close, David Fill; 
  • Century Drive, Pam; 
  • Heather Lane, Hall Lane and Nethercroft Drive, David Oakley; 
  • Drum and Monkey Lane, Measham Road and Normanton Road, Robin; 
  • The Grange, Robert; 
  • High Street, Nev and Adrian; 
  • Homecroft Drive, Nev; 
  • Mill Street, Sue and Di;
  • Spring Lane and Vicarage Lane, Adrian.

Our next meeting is to be Tuesday 28th May 2019 at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm

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