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PVHG January 2019 – AGM and Meeting Minutes – Packington Village History Group PVHG

PVHG January 2019 – AGM and Meeting Minutes

At Venue 35 – the Memorial Hall Meeting Room – on Tuesday 29th January 2019 at 7:30 pm

Present: Chairman Robin Boucher and 6 members.

Apologies received from:- Diane and Doug

Annual General Meeting AGM 2019

Minutes of the previous AGM meeting in January 2018 were read, approved and signed. There were no matters arising.

Chairman’s report:- 

“After the difficult year of 2017 the Group has had a more positive 2018.  New members have joined and made valued contributions. Activities have included:

  • an overview of Anglo-Saxon England with specific reference to Packington and the surrounding area
  • a meeting with Ashby Museum which led to the updating of a poster about Packington displayed there
  • discussion with a local film / drama group about a forthcoming project on a seventeenth-century vicar of Packington;  and
  • a significant contribution to the village’s centenary commemoration of the end of the First World War 
  • much debate about the future of archive material
  • a firm commitment to disseminating the information in the archive. Group members now have a much greater understanding of its size and scope.
  • At the end of the reporting period, the Group has obtained agreement to store archive material in the Memorial Hall Venue 35, which will greatly help during 2019.

The Group now has its own website at pvhg.uk

Firmer links have been made with the Packington Post, resulting in regular publicity for the Group’s activities.

However, the Group still faces a number of issues at the start of 2019. There is still a need to attract new members, particularly from younger residents of the village. This has implications for the kind of activities which the Group may plan. Development of the archive will continue to be a major focus, requiring a positive relationship with other parties such as the Memorial Hall Committee and also pursuit of financial support.

I would like to thank all members for their support to the Group over the past year. My particular thanks go to Robert for his help with information technology and for volunteering to represent the Group on the Memorial Hall Committee; and to Yvonne for her secretarial work and her reliable and steady support to me as Chair. “

Treasurer’s report:

A copy of the income and expenditure throughout 2018 was circulated. The present balance shown in the building society account is now still positive following the purchase of the archive cupboard. Members were pleased the archives will be in easy reach and available to any key holding members at any reasonable time after co-ordination with the Hall bookings clerk. Adrian pointed out that this may need to be checked before our next meeting in case the buildings insurance policy be invalidated. Members agreed that the Group needs to apply to the Parish Council Solar Fund for a grant to help with the cost of specialised archiving boxes and materials etc.

Election of Officers for 2019

Chairman: Robin Boucher, proposed by Robert and seconded by Adrian – carried.

Vice-chair: no takers, this position to be left in abeyance for 2019

Secretary/treasurer: Yvonne Eaton, proposed by Adrian, seconded by Sue – carried.

Committee; Robin, Yvonne, Diane, David and Robert.

Setting of membership fees for 2019; these to stay as 2018. £10 per single member and £15 per couple. Members agreed any new member joining later in the year to be at a reduced rate and if that is September or beyond £10 to be charged to include 2020. Proposed meeting dates for 2019 to be the last Tuesday of each month omitting July, August, November and December.

Members thanked Robin and Yvonne for their work throughout 2018. The AGM meeting closed, and was followed by an ordinary meeting.

Ordinary Meeting 29 January 2019

Robin reminded members that Paula Dring will be our speaker for the February meeting, on the subject of Joseph Goadby who brought the Baptist Chapel to Packington in the early nineteenth century. 

Robin also reported he had been in touch with Wendy Freer of Pudding Bag Productions following her visit in November.  She has approached the school, church, and Guild Hall Leicester, who are happy to be involved. Wendy has also applied for a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund and is hopeful the film of the Pestells will be completed this year.  Robin suggested she be asked to come to a meeting later this year to update her progress.

Members agreed a history walk be included in our year’s programme, Robin is already working on a High Street walk, having found Peter’s notes and archive material.  The walk to include an exhibition of photographs etc of the High Street in the Venue 35 meeting room.  Sue is willing to provide display stands.  The proposed date for the walk is Tuesday, 25th June 2019.

Sue is willing to give a talk on Medieval Packington at our October meeting.   Members felt it important to note any changes within the village and parish boundary.  There was discussion as to how this can be best achieved.  Adrian proposed OS maps be obtained and boundaries compared to the Estate map, however this to be put on hold as Sue will bring her maps to the March meeting when decisions can be made on how to proceed.  

The archive material can now all be moved to the meeting room and members can then proceed with the thinning process. To this end members to meet on Monday 11th February at 10am to noon to make a start. The  meeting closed at 9.20pm

The next meeting is arranged for Tuesday, 26th February at 7.30pm.  

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