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Packington Village History Group PVHG – Page 7 – Recording our yesterdays for today and tomorrow

100 Years on from WW1 – PVHG Open Meeting Tuesday 27th March 2018

An early WW1 Recruiting Poster – later, conscription was introduced and people had to join anyway.

The Packington Village History Group’s next meeting will take place on Tuesday 27th March at 7.30 pm in Venue 35, the Memorial Hall meeting room.

Sunday 11th November 2018 will mark exactly a century since the end of the First World War.   We will discuss how we might take part in our village’s November events celebrating this pivotal juncture, perhaps alongside major national and worldwide commemorations.

World War One Military headstone in Packington Village Graveyard
World War One military gravestone in Packington’s South Churchyard

This is an open meeting, and anyone interested will be welcome to join us.

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Minutes of the PVHG February Meeting


held in Venue 35 – the Memorial Hall Meeting Room

on Tuesday 27th February at 7:30pm

Present: Chairman Robin Boucher and 9 members. Apologies were received from Robert Dilworth and Sarah Marvin

Robin welcomed members and proceeded to give an extremely interesting talk on Anglo-Saxon England. We learned what life was like then, and the many wars and skirmishes from 350AD to the Battle of Hastings in 1066 when the Anglo-Saxon period ended. Questions to Robin and general discussion followed.

Other Business: Robin has been in touch with Terry Hammond with regard to the commemoration of the ending of the First World War. Terry will join us at our March meeting to tell of his proposals.

Yvonne is to contact Ken Hillier to see when members are able to visit the Ashby Museum.

The meeting closed at 9.35pm