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Minutes of the PVHG October 2018 Meeting – Packington Village History Group PVHG

Minutes of the PVHG October 2018 Meeting


held in Venue 35 – the Memorial Hall Meeting Room – on Tuesday 30th October 2018 at 7:30 pm

Present: Chairman Robin Boucher and 7 members.

Apologies received from:- Diane and Doug

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed.

Robin reported:
  • he had suitably cut the old Packington poster which used to hang in the museum,  and kept the photographs ready for archiving.
  • Paula Dring has replied favourably regarding the request for her to talk to the history group about her research on Reverend Joseph Goadby, the Baptist Minister.  It is hoped the February 2019 meeting will be agreeable to her.
  • Wendy Freer of Pudding Bag productions has agreed to attend our next November 2018 meeting, and will talk on Reverend Thomas Pestell  (the younger), Vicar of Packington from 1644, whose career was interrupted by the Civil War and the Interregnum, then resumed after the restoration of King Charles II.  There is more on her heritage group’s website,  puddingbagproductions.co.uk ; Wendy will also be outlining what she requires from our group.
Robert reported on his first meeting of the Memorial Hall Committee, where he was warmly welcomed, and said how the history group was thought well of, as many of the Memorial Hall committee members had attended the history walks and seen the exhibitions.
The important matter of storage space at Memorial Hall for the archives was thoroughly discussed by members concluding with the proposal that a suitable steel cabinet be purchased by the history group and be situated in the storage room at the memorial hall, subject to the agreement of the Memorial Hall Committee.  Robert will put this before the Memorial Hall Committee at their next meeting in November.
It was also hoped that history group members would be able to use the Venue 35 meeting room for the thinning of the archive material. This would be on several morning sessions throughout the beginning of 2019.  The question of dissemination of the archive material was further discussed.
The question of future projects was discussed.  Sue proposed that medieval Packington would be a very interesting subject to pursue.
The meeting closed at 9.20pm.
The next PVHG meeting is on Tuesday, 27th November 2018 at 7.30pm.
Yvonne Eaton, Secretary

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