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April 2018 – Packington Village History Group PVHG

Commemorating the end of World War One.

Later this year, the Group will be contributing to village events commemorating the end of the war. We are hoping to have a small exhibition of pictures, articles and other memorabilia to display in the Memorial Hall over the weekend 9th – 11th November. We would be pleased to hear from anyone who has items which could be displayed. Please note that, for this purpose, there does not need to be  a direct connection with Packington – anything related to the war and its conclusion will be welcome. Do contact us if you have anything!

Robin Boucher tel.: 01530 411638, e-mail randdbboucher@googlemail.com


1901 Events – from the PVHG Archive

Some aspects of 1901 in Packington:

  • 22nd January 1901 – Queen Victoria died after 63 years on the throne. Read about Packington’s memorial service in early February, conducted by the vicar, Rev A S Mammatt,  at which the Earl of Loudoun and parishioners from both Willesley and Packington attended. (Burton Chronicle transcribed report below.)
  • November 1901 – In our Parish News, vicar Rev A S Mammatt described the Re-opening of the church. “..thoroughly overhauled and repaired..” “The outside walls, buttresses, parapets and roof have received attention, and the mullions of several windows renewed. The whole of the floor inside has been covered with a bed of cement concrete, four inches thick..” (Full details in  two Parish News text images below)
  • December 24th 1901 – Packington reeled at the sudden death of Rev A S Mammatt, who had been vicar since 1890 and who had been responsible both for the restoration of our Packington Church and for the new church of St Faith at Snibston. A sad Christmastide indeed.. (See Burton Chronicle transcribed report in the image below.)

Continue reading “1901 Events – from the PVHG Archive”

Minutes of the PVHG March Meeting


held in Venue 35 – the Memorial Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 27th March at 7:30pm

Present: Chairman Robin Boucher and 10 members. Apologies were received from Jonathan and Jan

Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed.

Robin welcomed our guest, Terry Hammond, and invited Terry to describe the proposed commemorations celebrating the ending of World War 1,  which will take place in Packington on 9th 10th and 11th November.

Terry is a member of the Memorial Hall Committee, and agreed to explore the possibility of holding an “Old Time Musical”; he hopes to bring in many village groups to take part in various events, one group being the Film Club with the possibility of a film being shown on the Friday evening. There will be a Sunday service in church in the morning of the 11th and in the afternoon childrens’ entertainment.

Members were all in favour of helping, by way of a display in Memorial Hall of what life was like in  1918, and also by having someone read extracts of wartime experiences of servicemen who were village residents.

The meeting continued after Terry left, with many ideas from members, all of which to be finalised at a later date.

The Disseminators have yet to meet. They are to gather at Yvonne’s to see what documents are in the archives, following which, items are to be taken to the meeting on 24th April.

Robert encouraged members to look at this PVHG website.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm

The next meeting is on Tuesday, 24th April at 7.30pm in Venue 35, with the main item being the future of the Group’s archive, building on discussions of the dissemination group.