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PVHG Activity – Page 4 – Packington Village History Group PVHG

PVHG Helps Commemmorate WW1 Armistice Centenary

PVHG helped Packington commemmorate the 100th anniversary of the Armistice that ended World War 1, by mounting on the 11th November 2018 weekend at Memorial Hall two displays of local people who had been involved in the Great War.

The single photo image on the right comes from a Packington family:

This photo image is of Private Walter Woodward of Packington, who was a “Mountie”,  a mounted trooper in a Canadian regiment. He died in 1915 near Ypres. Buried in the Westoutre war graves cemetery near there, he has a memorial addition at his parents’ grave in our village church cemetery, row A no 24 – the most South-westerly of all our church burial plots:

Walter Henry Woodward of the 2nd Canadian Mtd Rifles Third son of WW and A Woodward, who fell in action near Ypres October 8, 1915, aged 37 years. Buried at Westoutre
You can see these details, and search for other casualties and memorials, at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website, cwgc.org

Minutes of the PVHG September 2018 Meeting


held in Venue 35 – the Memorial Hall Meeting Room – on Tuesday 25th September 2018 at 7:30 pm

Present: Chairman Robin Boucher, 6 members. and guest Terry Hammond

Apologies received from:- Diane, Doug, and Nev.

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed.

Robin welcomed Terry Hammond who brought the meeting up to date with the World War 1  commemoration events in November:

  • A copy of the programme for the Saturday evening Music Hall entertainment was circulated.
  • Terry explained that regrettably the actors reading the soldiers’ story would not be in military uniform, as the cost of hire was prohibitive.
  • It was with some regret that members heard the film to be shown on Friday night the 9th November was not a war film. The possibility of whether a war film could be shown at some other time over that weekend was discussed, but at this stage of the arrangements it was not thought to be possible.
  • Robin has been searching the archives for suitable photographs for the display in the Memorial Hall and showed members his findings. Some were of the village as it was during the l914/18 period, as well as some of the village soldiers and sailors who served in the first world war.
  • The display stands required to house the photographs for the display can be kindly supplied by Sue.
  • Members thanked Terry for his hard work on this WWI commemoration project

Robin reported he had organised the replacement Packington display poster for the museum and had succeeded in obtaining a grant from the Packington Parish Council for this purpose.  Thanks were expressed by members for this.  The new poster is now on display at the museum.  The question of what should happen to the old poster which was brought from the museum, was discussed and it was decided to keep the top portion of photographs which would be added to the archives.

Members who had taken archive boxes over the summer for thinning reported their progress, Sue had achieved almost 50% as newspaper reports were hand written as well as typed, this being just one example of unnecessary archive space being used.  There was much discussion regarding what should be kept and what constituted genuine historical information to be kept.

Robert suggested approaching the memorial hall committee requesting space in the meeting room for the group to use at any reasonable time, but it was pointed out that the trust had to adhere to rules laid down and therefore this request was unlikely to be granted.  As playgroup are no longer using the memorial hall, storage space is now available, members felt the memorial hall committee should be approached asking if the history group could place their archives in such a space.

It was therefore proposed a representative of the history group be on the memorial hall committee.  Robert was proposed by Stephen and seconded by David, passed unanimously and agreed to be our representative.  Future meetings were discussed and Robert  suggested an invitation be sent to Paula Dring to speak on her research of the first Packington Baptist Minister. This was agreed.

Robin had received a letter from Wendy Frear who was requesting help from the history group and Robin will reply, inviting her to speak at our November meeting.

The village is slowly changing, population and buildings, therefore photographic evidence for the archives is essential showing these changes and it is hoped Richard Jones would be willing to take the necessary photographs.

The meeting closed at 9.30. The next meeting is on Tuesday 30th October, 2018 at 7.30pm

Poster at Ashby Museum

On visiting the Museum in May 2018, History Group members noticed that a poster about Packington, which was on permanent display, was out-of-date in a number of respects. We believe that the poster was drawn up about ten years earlier and not surprisingly needed to be revised.

The Group applied for funding from Packington Parish Council for the cost of replacement, whereupon the Council made a grant of £275.  The Group itself funded the VAT element of the cost, being a further £55. The new poster  was produced and put on display in the Museum on Wednesday 19th September.

Thanks go to the Parish Council for their financial support and to Quiet Storm Solutions of Whitwick for the production work.

Commemorating the end of World War One.

Later this year, the Group will be contributing to village events commemorating the end of the war. We are hoping to have a small exhibition of pictures, articles and other memorabilia to display in the Memorial Hall over the weekend 9th – 11th November. We would be pleased to hear from anyone who has items which could be displayed. Please note that, for this purpose, there does not need to be  a direct connection with Packington – anything related to the war and its conclusion will be welcome. Do contact us if you have anything!

Robin Boucher tel.: 01530 411638, e-mail randdbboucher@googlemail.com


100 Years on from WW1 – PVHG Open Meeting Tuesday 27th March 2018

An early WW1 Recruiting Poster – later, conscription was introduced and people had to join anyway.

The Packington Village History Group’s next meeting will take place on Tuesday 27th March at 7.30 pm in Venue 35, the Memorial Hall meeting room.

Sunday 11th November 2018 will mark exactly a century since the end of the First World War.   We will discuss how we might take part in our village’s November events celebrating this pivotal juncture, perhaps alongside major national and worldwide commemorations.

World War One Military headstone in Packington Village Graveyard
World War One military gravestone in Packington’s South Churchyard

This is an open meeting, and anyone interested will be welcome to join us.

Continue reading “100 Years on from WW1 – PVHG Open Meeting Tuesday 27th March 2018”