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March 2020 – Packington Village History Group PVHG

A VITAL STORY to be told – YOURS

Write YOUR Life Story.. for future Packington Residents to read – and to be amazed..?

In March 2020, while confined to his home in our village, Adrian Mongredien writes:

At Hay Literary Festival, I heard a historian talk on how to write the story of our lives.

She told us that nothing is more valuable to historians than first hand experiences. The only way these can be discovered and cross-checked is if a number of people can be persuaded to write about their own individual experiences.

In the next few years the number of people who can remember living just after or through the Second World War will rapidly diminish. Every one of us has a unique story to tell. Events that we may see as mundane and ordinary may be fascinating to our great grandchildren. Consider – if you are over 70, then:

  • you probably grew up in a house with no central heating;
  • with coal fires which you were taught how to light and keep going.
  • you may remember what life was like before television.
  • you may have had no shower, but one bath a week if there was enough hot water.

How can we write our own life story? A good way to start is to find your birth certificate. In my case I was able to find, from mine, the building that I was born in on google maps – a nursing home in Weston Favell Northamptonshire in 1942- and discover that it is still there although it is now an old people’s home. Can you remember

  • the house, or area, in which you were born?
  • Where you first went to school?
  • How near were you to your local shops?
  • Was food and sweets rationed?
  • How many people lived there in the city, town, or village where you lived as a child?
  • Where was the nearest Park?
  • What sort of games did you play with other children living on your street?
  • Did you have a birthday party when you were a child?
  • What sort of presents did you receive at Christmas?
  • What was your favourite radio programme?
  • How many times did you go to the cinema every month?

Answers to all these questions will be of interest to future generations who will almost certainly be living very different lifestyles, as indeed are we today already.

I started writing the story of my early life a couple of years ago. Along the way I have found myself searching the internet for photos of New Brighton Pier (now demolished) and my secondary school (also demolished), and recently discovering on the net, the value of the house where I lived in a bedsit for ten months, during my few years in London in the “swinging sixties”. I was amazed to discover that it sold a couple of years ago for over £27,000,000. That is twenty seven million!!

You have no idea what will turn up until you sit down at your lap top and begin to remember your beginnings.

Over two decades ago, our Village History Group produced some fascinating reminiscences in the form of this “Where were you in the War?” booklet. Please will you NOW help us write YOUR history, for future village residents to enjoy? PVHG hope to publish YOUR story in a similar booklet when our current enforced home isolation comes to an end ..

PVHG suspends 24th March 2020 meet

A message from our Chairman

Hello all:

Normally at this point of the month I would be sending you a reminder that our next meeting will take place in a week’s time (Tuesday 24th March).

However, like most or all of you, I have listened carefully to the Government’s guidance concerning the corona virus. It is clear that the over-70’s and those who have  underlying health conditions are seen as vulnerable groups – both these categories are relevant to our Group. The advice is to adopt social distancing from the coming weekend.

With regret we cannot say that the History Group is an essential service! I therefore believe it is appropriate to suspend our meetings for the time being. I have learned that the Memorial Hall Committee has taken the decision to close the Hall for the time being, which rather takes things out of our hands anyway.

The Government advice is that measures will be in place for the next twelve weeks, which has implications for our April and May dates – I will however take one month at a time and will confirm about these dates nearer the appropriate times.

I look forward to our meeting again when it is considered safe to do so, and wish good health to you all in the meantime.

With best wishes – Robin Boucher  

Minutes of our February 2020 Meeting

At Venue 35 – the Memorial Hall Meeting Room – on Tuesday 25th February 2020 at 7:30 pm

Present: Chairman Robin Boucher, Secretary & Treasurer Yvonne Eaton, 7 members

Apologies received:-  Pam Worthington, Andrew and Janice Sumnall.

Matters arising:- 

  • Sue had further information regarding the Packington Blind Horse, this has been forwarded to Janice, also a suggestion was made to change their spelling of Packington by using a y instead of i (Packyngton) or missing out the c (Pakington) in order for the Shire Horse Society to accept Packington as the stud name.  
  • No information has been received regarding the VE day celebrations, however Robin has emailed Chris Miles to say the group have sufficient material for a display.
  • With regard to the proposed History Walk down Mill Street, Robin reported he has drafted a script and proposed the walk take place on 30th June and will place an advert in Packington Post.  There was much discussion as to which direction the walk should go, up or down Mill Street, a final decision will be made at a later meeting as we need to know the meeting room is available to enable light refreshments to be served and to have a display of photographs etc.
  • Robin showed members a leaflet he has drafted for the Welcome Pack given to resident newcomers to Packington.  Robert reported that Becky Taylor would  like more information to be included in the Welcome Pack, therefore members agreed that Robin forward the leaflet to her.
  • The meeting moved on to read through the Packington History Adrian has written.  Robin praised Adrian for his perseverance in pursuing this task of producing the early history of Packington.  There was great interest and discussion on the latest draft which will be placed on the website.  Having read through the draft members thanked Adrian for his hard work on this very worthwhile project. 
  • Robert raised the question of the Roman Road from Chester to Leicester, Via Devana, which runs close to Packington but the exact route has yet to be established. When HS2 comes along with its construction (or destruction) machines could the group be involved? However professional archaeologists always keep a close eye on any large developments so members agreed – leave it to the professionals.
  • There is to be a dig in Ticknall during June if any member wishes to attend.
  • Adrian has Peter Cooper’s copy of the History of Packington Church and suggested it be placed on the website, members agreed.
  • The meeting closed at 9:40 pm.
  • The next meeting is Tuesday, 24th March at 7.30pm.