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December 2019 – Packington Village History Group PVHG

Minutes of our PVHG November 2019 meeting

At Venue 35 – the Memorial Hall Meeting Room – on Tuesday 26th November 2019 at 7:30 pm

Present: Chairman Robin Boucher and 10 members

Apologies: Stephen, Diane, and David O

Minutes of the previous (October) meeting were approved and signed.

Matters arising:  Following the Thomas Pestell film, Robin has received a publication from Wendy Freer entitled “Thomas Pestell, a 17C Vicar of Packington – Local History Resources“, which is available to members.

The question of the clubs finances was raised, following Nationwide closing all Treasurers Accounts at the end of 2019. 

Robin and Yvonne have applied for a current account at Lloyds Bank  and provided the account remains in credit, there are no bank charges.  Members were asked if they agree to this change – carried unanimously.

Robin invited Adrian to speak on his work of the history of Packington dating back over 2000 years. Adrian explained that when talking to his grandchildren history did not appear to rate highly as a subject so he felt it was important to record a history of Packington and surrounding areas for young people and subsequently their elders as the learning of history is vitally important. 

Adrian prepared a draft entitled “A history of Packington and the surrounding area from 0-1100AD” for each member to take home and read.

Following Adrian’s presentation there was much discussion regarding how best to present any historical works, whether digitally or published in the traditional way, much to discuss in future meeting.  Thanks go to Adrian for his hard work on the early days, but members agreed it was important to take his work forward to the 21C.

Sue reported she has digitised copies of the Court Rolls.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm.

The next meeting is our AGM on Tuesday, 28th January, 2020

Minutes of our PVHG October 2019 meeting

At Venue 35 – the Memorial Hall Meeting Room – on Tuesday 29th October 2019 at 7:30 pm

Present: Chairman Robin Boucher and 9 members

Apologies: Pam

Robin welcomed our three visitors.

Minutes of the previous (September) meeting were approved and signed.

Matters arising:  The film show was well attended and if any member wishes to see the Thomas Pestell film, Robin has a DVD which can be borrowed.

Mediaeval Packington

The main event of the evening was a talk by Sue on Medieval Packington. Sue has done extensive research, which included visits to the National Archives in Kew. 

During early times until the Dissolution of the Monasteries, Packington was in the patronage of Coventry Priory, which was founded by Leofric in 1043. 

Sue showed members maps of the layout of the village, and also the Packington extent of 1412.  

After questions and answers by Sue, Robin thanked her on behalf of members for a most interesting and informative evening.

The meeting closed at 9.35pm.
The next meeting is on Tuesday 26th November at 7.30pm.