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March 2019 – Packington Village History Group PVHG

Minutes of our PVHG February 2019 Meeting

Paula Dring gave PVHG a presentation on the life of Joseph Goadby

Present:  Chairman Robin and 9 members

No apologies were received.

Robin welcomed our speaker for the evening, Mrs. Paula Dring. 

Paula spoke on the life and work of Reverend Joseph Goadby, who was the Baptist Minister in Packington until his death in 1842, and who is buried in her garden.

Part of the garden is the former Baptist Chapel graveyard, near to the site of the old Baptist church building which was eventually demolished in the 20th Century. 

Using a nice slide projection, PVHG members were given details of the development of the Baptists in the area, and how Reverend Goadby had dramatically increased their population and become very much loved and respected. 

Paula was thanked by all present for a very interesting talk.

Next, the minutes of the January meeting were approved and signed.

Robin reported he had received correspondence from Wendy Freer of Pudding Bag Productions, who has now completed 90% of the script for the film of Rev Pestell. Wendy said Carol Price, the head of Packington Primary School, is keen for the children to take part. Wendy has also employed a flute player and actor.

The 25th June 2019 High Street walk is now looking good. Robin has progressed with his script, and also has a number of pictures forq display in Venue 35, the Memorial Hall Meeting Room, to complement the walk.

Another session of sorting the archives has been arranged for Tuesday 12th March from 10am to noon, all members are invited to attend.

Recording of the Packington Parish boundaries and any changes within the village, are to be discussed at our Tuesday 26th March meeting. Robin will place an article in the Packington Post asking if any village residents wish to take part.  

The meeting closed at 9.10pm.