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September 2018 – Packington Village History Group PVHG

Poster at Ashby Museum

On visiting the Museum in May 2018, History Group members noticed that a poster about Packington, which was on permanent display, was out-of-date in a number of respects. We believe that the poster was drawn up about ten years earlier and not surprisingly needed to be revised.

The Group applied for funding from Packington Parish Council for the cost of replacement, whereupon the Council made a grant of £275.  The Group itself funded the VAT element of the cost, being a further £55. The new poster  was produced and put on display in the Museum on Wednesday 19th September.

Thanks go to the Parish Council for their financial support and to Quiet Storm Solutions of Whitwick for the production work.

Minutes of the PVHG June 2018 Meeting


held in Venue 35 – the Memorial Hall Meeting Room – on Tuesday 26th June 2018 at 7:30 pm

Present:  Chairman Robin Boucher and 5 members.

Apologies received from:- Robert and Nev.

Robin welcomed Terry Hammond, who gave a report on the latest arrangements for the commemoration of World  War 1.  The funding is in place for the weekend’s events, and guests for the Saturday evening event are asked to be in dress of the age.  The 3 actors for the evening’s entertainment have been appointed, however 2 mid-to-late teens actors are required – any volunteers?  Chris Miles is co-ordinating the Sunday’s events. The school and youth club are involved as well as other village organisations.

Robin had prepared a short history of Charles Walter Henson, details being taken from an oral history, and this he read to members.  Walter Henson was a First World War soldier and a well known and respected Packington resident.  Members agreed this to be part of the commemoration exhibition together with photographs of Mr. Henson.

Terry left and the meeting continued with discussion on the storage of the archive material.  Following our May visit to the Ashby Museum, members agreed it was important to store all the material in purpose-made boxes, as it is vital the paper copy is kept as well as digitised storage. Robin had details of Spectrum 5 and members agreed this was expensive, but possibly to be considered in the future.

Members agreed the archive should be kept in Packington, and as the Memorial Hall have applied for planning permission for additional storage, it is hoped space can be found for the History Group to have a locked cabinet there. Access would be for members,  and the general public accompanied by a group member.  Records should only be kept at  Ashby Museum as a last resort.  Adrian proposed that the history group be represented on the Memorial Hall committee, this was agreed and a representative to be appointed at our September meeting.  Members agreed that boxes similar to those at the Ashby Museum should be purchased for all our archive material, grants are available and Yvonne agreed to look into where and how the group can access these.

Robin had been in touch with Ken Hillier with regard to the Packington display poster at the museum to establish the company who originally printed the poster. Alterations are now required as some of the information is no longer correct, and the group needs to know costs for the alterations.  Members went through the list to make the necessary alterations.

The minutes of the April meeting were duly signed and the meeting closed at 9.25pm.

The next meeting is on 25th September, 2018 at 7.30pm.