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May 2018 – Packington Village History Group PVHG

Minutes of the PVHG April Meeting


held in Venue 35 – the Memorial Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 24thApril 2018 at 7:30 pm

Present: Chairman Robin Boucher, and 11 members

Apologies received from: Paula, Stephen, Jonathan, Jan and Diane.

Matters arising: Robin reported he had passed on 4 photos of WW1 soldiers associated with Packington to Terry Hammond

Robert gave a resume of the Archive Assessment meeting of the disseminators at Yvonnes on the 17th April when they discovered the full extent of the archive held, unfortunately Sarah was at work and unable to attend, but emailed points for discussion which were aired.

The same points were brought up for discussion by members, these being the pros and cons of the present indexing of the archives and the need for them to be digitised. How this can be achieved was the biggest question – scanning each item was suggested. As the text archive material indexed had been taken to the meeting, members were able to take the opportunity to look at some boxes before we had further discussion.

Following time spent looking through some of the material it was felt scanning each item was going to be a major task especially as there is more archive material still to be indexed. The matter of bringing in members of the Packington community who were willing and able to help in the scanning process was also discussed and including a small historical piece in the Packington Post. No decision has been made.

The first step is the scanning of one box of text, and Sarah very kindly offered to take the box relating to items from 1598 to 1894 to do a trial run. The question of costs therefore arose and it was important to make a note of the time taken and any expenses. Cassette tapes are also held in the archive and it is important that these be digitised, this to be looked into.

The Leicestershire Guides are celebrating 75 years and Sarah told the meeting the Packington group are anxious to find out what Packington was like in 1943. Yvonne agreed to look out Peter’s High Street walk which should have sufficient information for the Guides to be able to describe Packington in that era.

The meeting closed at 9.25pm.

The next meeting is Tuesday, 22nd May at Ashby Museum at 7.15pm for 7.30pm.